Grateful Hearts

'Thank you for sharing of your wonderful magic for you have left me with something I will forever cherish.' W.S. Peters 'Deeply touched by the energy you share. The goddess becomes manifested through you. I love your movies, pictures, sounds, moves, music, the graze and the beauty.' N. Langer 'I find peace of mind when I gaze to my soulpainting. It gives me a lot of energy.' C.Coninx 'Delightful and Colorful works of Art.' S. Dillon 'As if for that one spiral Vincent Van Gogh held your brush for a moment. There is a higher source that keeps an eye on all Hildegarde.' W. Lyssens 'Thank you so much my dear Hildegarde, so many fruits in this basket.'E. Transhill 'Thank you for having me associated with this surge of odors, and with this very beautiful text which reminds me to a french mistic of the Middle Ages.' MT De Brosses 'Beautiful to see how you express the essence every moment again.' P. Oost 'Your coaching gave me the courage again to contact possible employers. I never believed to find a job that fast. Especially in my circumstances and with age. I will never find a mentor who assists me with that grandeur. I have tears in my eyes while sharing this with you.' Yolande Homeless Woman 'We need people like you. Keep on empowering homeless women. We will pray for you.' Anonymous Homeless Woman 'We searched and found work thanks to you who teached me to stay and think positive no matter what.' Abdellah Homeless Man 'You are a true value for us and our company. Thomas Social Worker 'My whole life changed with 360 degrees. You are a miracle.' Batouli Homeless Woman

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

It Is Present However You Have To Be It To See It.

The eye of the soul does not know any secrets

with a child's heart,
the bridge between the expected and the essential is created.
by withdrawing from expectations
you can obtain the necessary information
to get a balance where is discord.

Be open and unconditional for what is offered
teaches you to see the truth with the power of innocence.
It is equal to purity in every field of the observer,
the leader, the country, ...

They who stand for true peace let go of expectations
To allow the essential to enter.

This asks for the necessary concentration,
love and ability to lead a nation, country
with the prospects of creating peace
without imposing themselves, 
on the way in which this should occur.

By listening and being from equilibrium
the core of the true facts will shed light upon the darkness.
It ceases to exist by letting go of the fight to possess the truth.
This is emerging from a child's heart
that sees as the natural beauty for its being.

Innocence will perform the miracles
by being or creating a bridge towards the unknown heart where peace rules.

It Is Present However You Have To Be It To See It.

'Stay open for change, listening, love 
and let true facts shed a light upon the darkness 
by being the equilibrium of the core the heart 
so that all else ceases to exist 
be the heart of the child 
be its natural beauty 
so that from that beauty, from that innocence 
the miracles can arise whereto you can be it and see it.'

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Fruition comes...

‘To build the new let go of past.
To commit to dreams
manifest on nature’s pace.
Fall out of control into trust.
Your gut steps without worry nor hurry. 

Fruition comes when Venus is ready. ...

Happy Full Moon in Taurus.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hold on to your hat.

Imagine, the flow, tingling fingers, the vibe gets form.
Words write your story.
Who will tell the norm?

Values, we have them all.
Indoctrinated principles, who will tell?
Imagine, the flow, tingling fingers, the vibe gets form.

Colored mind sets the rhythm. 
Brain waves the tide. 
Who will tell the norm?

Fooled or related with the errand.
One can choose the ride.
Imagine the flow, tingling fingers, the vibe gets form.
The good and the ugly, truly. 
There is beyond.
Who will tell the norm?

Love as you are the one for all.
Be or not eternal in soul you are.
Imagine, the flow, tingling fingers, the vibe gets form.
Who will tell the norm?

Repetition, structure, ABAA, who will tell the norm? 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Woman. Reclaim Yourself.


more than ever. 

It’s in the details. Get the picture. 
Listen carefully. 
Find your inner balance.

Woman reclaim yourself So that he can rise from the darkness of your arch.

Fragment from my book Elyssa. 

It's my inner guide who tells me to share this today with you. It's an inner calling for humanity to let you rise with Elyssa. May that day come that the manuscript will be available in English for you.

The article of Nesrine Malik, the Kavanaugh case and so much more what is going on in this world makes me shiver, shiver for each soul that deserves a life filled with joy.

Here the words of Martin Luther King that made me share my post with you.

"THE ARC OF THE MORAL UNIVERSE IS LONG but it bends towards justice"

It is hard to keep faith with that right now. A woman with everything to lose took on the might of the US political establishment, only to see the man she accused of sexually assaulting her appointed to the highest court in the land, following a hasty smokescreen of an investigation.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Free Monthly SoulMessage - October 2018

The free monthly soul message talks about tenderness, diversity, equal humanity. 
Let's uplift each other with our innermost vibes. Listen to #soul.
Learn more about your souls'message, my natural gift for you:
Join the tribe and my IGTV channel on Instagram @hildegardelisa.

Monday, October 1, 2018


Elyssa is the journey to your true nature. The story speaks the language of the universe by the boundlessness of the words of the manuscript. The breath of it comes from the Beloved that encourages you in a moment of profound transformation to take the steps towards the accomplishment of your souls mission.

(available in Dutch)

Nederlandstalige Versie 30 Euro 
Inclusief BTW/Verzendkosten
ISBN 9789452067936 
Publicatiedatum: 2013
Uitgever Hildegarde Lisa Follon
Uitvoering: Met zachte kaft


Elyssa is de reis naar je ware aard. Het verhaal spreekt de taal van het universum met de grenzeloosheid van de woorden in het manuscript. 

De adem komt van de Geliefde die je bemoedigt om de stappen te nemen in een moment van diepgaande transformatie. 

Het leidt je naar het verwerkelijken van je zielsmissie.

Elyssa is tot stand gekomen door verschillende transformatieprocessen te hebben ondergaan. 
Van diep verdriet tot grote vreugde  om uiteindelijk open te kunnen staan
 voor het woord van de geliefde.

Ga mee in de oorspronkelijkheid van dit moment waar het woord van hoger hand je het mysterie van de liefde laat ontdekken in jezelf. 

Zie ieder hoofdstuk in het schilderij, het portaal, 
een unieke intuïtieve creatie van Hildegarde Lisa Follon, 
dat leidt naar de ster boven je. 

Hildegarde Lisa verlaat haar op de innerlijke stem en openbaringen. 
Ze ondergaat, proeft, ontdekt, doordringt totdat er een bijzondere vorm ontstaat die de taal van het hart spreekt. Via woord, intuïtief schilderen, mode, kunst, dans, muziek 
brengt Hildegarde Lisa Follon, spiritueelbegaafd sinds haar geboorte, 
de ziel tot uiting als een innerlijke werker, heler en vriend. 

ATTENTION: the free e-book Elyssa does not exist. 
Do not download any online-version, it might be a virus.

'Each of us has been given the tools 

to discover what lies within 

brings us in contact with our inner child, 

true nature.


...The courage to take the road of your heart
enlightens you with love for the child that you are.

A healthy collaboration between all members of the family
leads to a conscious being
 together with the divine will.
The recognition of the child in the heart shows
you the beloved that raises the gift
together with the wholeness
provided by the family.
Respect the virtue in each of us.
Let the heart of it be.

There is no higher power than the divine that saturates nature
with everything needed
for the core to be.' ...
With much love for you
Until we meet again,