Grateful Hearts

'Thank you for sharing of your wonderful magic for you have left me with something I will forever cherish.' W.S. Peters 'Deeply touched by the energy you share. The goddess becomes manifested through you. I love your movies, pictures, sounds, moves, music, the graze and the beauty.' N. Langer 'I find peace of mind when I gaze to my soulpainting. It gives me a lot of energy.' C.Coninx 'Delightful and Colorful works of Art.' S. Dillon 'As if for that one spiral Vincent Van Gogh held your brush for a moment. There is a higher source that keeps an eye on all Hildegarde.' W. Lyssens 'Thank you so much my dear Hildegarde, so many fruits in this basket.'E. Transhill 'Thank you for having me associated with this surge of odors, and with this very beautiful text which reminds me to a french mistic of the Middle Ages.' MT De Brosses 'Beautiful to see how you express the essence every moment again.' P. Oost 'Your coaching gave me the courage again to contact possible employers. I never believed to find a job that fast. Especially in my circumstances and with age. I will never find a mentor who assists me with that grandeur. I have tears in my eyes while sharing this with you.' Yolande Homeless Woman 'We need people like you. Keep on empowering homeless women. We will pray for you.' Anonymous Homeless Woman 'We searched and found work thanks to you who teached me to stay and think positive no matter what.' Abdellah Homeless Man 'You are a true value for us and our company. Thomas Social Worker 'My whole life changed with 360 degrees. You are a miracle.' Batouli Homeless Woman

Saturday, December 15, 2018

More than common sense dictates.

Heart's gift directed 
more than common sense dictates

                                         into the moment that captured

                                         the breath of the day
                                         without words

                                         burned ashes from the fire
                                         alive in the flames
                                         eternally written...

Short Movie Stills From 
More Than Common Sense Dictates (2008)
Directed/ Produced/ Edited In Paris

In collaboration With Geert Wachtelaer


Translates A Day Into The Life Of 
 (Witch Of Portobello By Paulo Coelho)

'She doesn’t know the rules; 
she’s going further than good sense dictates;
 this world doesn’t belong to her 
and she’ll never be a part of it.' 

Excerpt From The Winner Stands Alone 
By Paulo Coelho (2011)

Monday, December 10, 2018

The Table Of O' Ma

Magic Moments
Move To Visionary Places,
Twelve Rays 
At The Center
Some Oranges.

The First O' Ma Event Took Place At The 7th Of December 2018.

Some Precious Moments Of The Evening 
Are Highlighted In This BlogPost.

The Words Shared During The Evening Will Stay In Silence.

 A New Moon Uplifts The Veil 
Our Inner Circle Creates 
On The Rhythm Of The Ocean's Waves.

The Captain Of The Boat
Sails With Faith 
Into Passionate Hands Color Joyfully
The Pain Away From Legs Tired Of Walking

Uplifted With Soul
Arises Stong Inner Force
From The Straw 
That Tastes As The Juicy Berry.

For You
The Message Of  Soul
Without Words.

The Table Of O'Ma Is A Monthly Gathering Of Souls
That Tunes Into The Moment.
Let's Call It Creative Therapy 
To Give It A Name.

'The Magic Of The Circle.' 

Experience It Next Month.

Friday, November 30, 2018

December Soul Message For The World

This is a general reading for all souls in the world for the month of December 2018. For your personal soul message, you can go to the contact page. The monthly soul message for the world is a way to spread light upon experiences, manifestations that will occur during the month. It gives a general direction to all souls during moments of transition. Listen to the message carefully. Meditate upon it. Feel the energy. Nurture yourself with it so that it can give you the necessary strength to stay rooted during the month of December and further. Have a Blessed Month Dear All
That which suddenly arises is a divine intervention to forcome further damage realized by involved parties.
They who try to see the world as a power to rule solely
will get served true power with loving unity of the heart among the people. Feel surrounded by the immensity of light which is the dominion that unites unconditionally to be love. Know yourself protected and carry on what has been given without fear to be persecuted. Let it happen.


A sudden change brings the necessary protection totally sent from divine intervention. Feel supported from the light so that each moment is divine for you and your neighbours. Trust in the shift that gives way for the power that is real what makes love.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

It Is Present However You Have To Be It To See It.

The eye of the soul does not know any secrets

with a child's heart,
the bridge between the expected and the essential is created.
by withdrawing from expectations
you can obtain the necessary information
to get a balance where is discord.

Be open and unconditional for what is offered
teaches you to see the truth with the power of innocence.
It is equal to purity in every field of the observer,
the leader, the country, ...

They who stand for true peace let go of expectations
To allow the essential to enter.

This asks for the necessary concentration,
love and ability to lead a nation, country
with the prospects of creating peace
without imposing themselves, 
on the way in which this should occur.

By listening and being from equilibrium
the core of the true facts will shed light upon the darkness.
It ceases to exist by letting go of the fight to possess the truth.
This is emerging from a child's heart
that sees as the natural beauty for its being.

Innocence will perform the miracles
by being or creating a bridge towards the unknown heart where peace rules.

It Is Present However You Have To Be It To See It.

'Stay open for change, listening, love 
and let true facts shed a light upon the darkness 
by being the equilibrium of the core the heart 
so that all else ceases to exist 
be the heart of the child 
be its natural beauty 
so that from that beauty, from that innocence 
the miracles can arise whereto you can be it and see it.'

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Fruition comes...

‘To build the new let go of past.
To commit to dreams
manifest on nature’s pace.
Fall out of control into trust.
Your gut steps without worry nor hurry. 

Fruition comes when Venus is ready. ...

Happy Full Moon in Taurus.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hold on to your hat.

Imagine, the flow, tingling fingers, the vibe gets form.
Words write your story.
Who will tell the norm?

Values, we have them all.
Indoctrinated principles, who will tell?
Imagine, the flow, tingling fingers, the vibe gets form.

Colored mind sets the rhythm. 
Brain waves the tide. 
Who will tell the norm?

Fooled or related with the errand.
One can choose the ride.
Imagine the flow, tingling fingers, the vibe gets form.
The good and the ugly, truly. 
There is beyond.
Who will tell the norm?

Love as you are the one for all.
Be or not eternal in soul you are.
Imagine, the flow, tingling fingers, the vibe gets form.
Who will tell the norm?

Repetition, structure, ABAA, who will tell the norm? 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Woman. Reclaim Yourself.


more than ever. 

It’s in the details. Get the picture. 
Listen carefully. 
Find your inner balance.

Woman reclaim yourself So that he can rise from the darkness of your arch.

Fragment from my book Elyssa. 

It's my inner guide who tells me to share this today with you. It's an inner calling for humanity to let you rise with Elyssa. May that day come that the manuscript will be available in English for you.

The article of Nesrine Malik, the Kavanaugh case and so much more what is going on in this world makes me shiver, shiver for each soul that deserves a life filled with joy.

Here the words of Martin Luther King that made me share my post with you.

"THE ARC OF THE MORAL UNIVERSE IS LONG but it bends towards justice"

It is hard to keep faith with that right now. A woman with everything to lose took on the might of the US political establishment, only to see the man she accused of sexually assaulting her appointed to the highest court in the land, following a hasty smokescreen of an investigation.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Free Monthly SoulMessage - October 2018

The free monthly soul message talks about tenderness, diversity, equal humanity. 
Let's uplift each other with our innermost vibes. Listen to #soul.
Learn more about your souls'message, my natural gift for you:
Join the tribe and my IGTV channel on Instagram @hildegardelisa.

Monday, October 1, 2018


Elyssa is the journey to your true nature. The story speaks the language of the universe by the boundlessness of the words of the manuscript. The breath of it comes from the Beloved that encourages you in a moment of profound transformation to take the steps towards the accomplishment of your souls mission.

(available in Dutch)

Nederlandstalige Versie 30 Euro 
Inclusief BTW/Verzendkosten
ISBN 9789452067936 
Publicatiedatum: 2013
Uitgever Hildegarde Lisa Follon
Uitvoering: Met zachte kaft


Elyssa is de reis naar je ware aard. Het verhaal spreekt de taal van het universum met de grenzeloosheid van de woorden in het manuscript. 

De adem komt van de Geliefde die je bemoedigt om de stappen te nemen in een moment van diepgaande transformatie. 

Het leidt je naar het verwerkelijken van je zielsmissie.

Elyssa is tot stand gekomen door verschillende transformatieprocessen te hebben ondergaan. 
Van diep verdriet tot grote vreugde  om uiteindelijk open te kunnen staan
 voor het woord van de geliefde.

Ga mee in de oorspronkelijkheid van dit moment waar het woord van hoger hand je het mysterie van de liefde laat ontdekken in jezelf. 

Zie ieder hoofdstuk in het schilderij, het portaal, 
een unieke intuïtieve creatie van Hildegarde Lisa Follon, 
dat leidt naar de ster boven je. 

Hildegarde Lisa verlaat haar op de innerlijke stem en openbaringen. 
Ze ondergaat, proeft, ontdekt, doordringt totdat er een bijzondere vorm ontstaat die de taal van het hart spreekt. Via woord, intuïtief schilderen, mode, kunst, dans, muziek 
brengt Hildegarde Lisa Follon, spiritueelbegaafd sinds haar geboorte, 
de ziel tot uiting als een innerlijke werker, heler en vriend. 

ATTENTION: the free e-book Elyssa does not exist. 
Do not download any online-version, it might be a virus.

'Each of us has been given the tools 

to discover what lies within 

brings us in contact with our inner child, 

true nature.


...The courage to take the road of your heart
enlightens you with love for the child that you are.

A healthy collaboration between all members of the family
leads to a conscious being
 together with the divine will.
The recognition of the child in the heart shows
you the beloved that raises the gift
together with the wholeness
provided by the family.
Respect the virtue in each of us.
Let the heart of it be.

There is no higher power than the divine that saturates nature
with everything needed
for the core to be.' ...
With much love for you
Until we meet again,

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Life's Calling.

It’s from these conscient moments that the treasures of the soul arise on the path of your life’s calling that walks its mission.

Take it with ease, live it with humor while you stand firm as the nature of your being.

Be it with one or two feet on the ground. ;)


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

It Will Open...Soul Message For Winner Instagram Contest.

Nurture Your Soul With Extra Vibes Rising From This Free Soul Message 
Written For The Winner Of One Of My Instagram Contests.

The Road Comes Into Fruition Where Three Becomes One,
To Let Be, Is To Unite Two Into The Greatness You Are.
The Ocean Of Your Being
Flowers From The Will
To Let Grow In Letting Go Of That
What Does Not Serve You Anymore.
It Will Open New Adventures In The Sea Of One.
Let It Be,
Let It Grow,
Let It Flow As You
Are Great In Your Being.

What Do You Have To Let Go Of
To Grow Stronger In Your Souls'Mission?
Comment On This Blog Post
And Make A Chance To Win Your Souls Message.
Subscribe To Stay Updated With The Breath Of The HeartTo Win Your FreeSoul Message 
A Guidance Towards Better Roads On Your Souls'Mission.

Click Pencil Drawing To Join HildegardeLisa's
Soul Message Pencil Drawing For Winner Instagram Contest
Instagram Community

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Happy with the gift you are.

The memory of her courage, her silence, her smile
lets me write these words on the blank paper while
the red rose highlights her heart with the gift she is.

She arrived in my office, anxiously for the unknown,
still, persistence was visible in her eyes.

'You helped me in finding a job in the city of my dreams.
But I have no shelter, no house to stay with my children.
Please, help me she said. Help me in finding a home.
Any social institution wants to support the risk I want to take.
Namely, move with my two children to another city.
Away from Brussels, towards the city where their father works.
Away from the desperate social situation, 
 a one-room apartment with no central heating, 
no warm water,. 
It is winter-time and within some weeks
  we will get kicked out of the room to end up on the street.
No one gives the support to find a home in another city. 
Disbelief in my ability to manifest my dreams.
Disbelief in my potential to start a new life 
makes people say to be an irresponsible, unstable mother.'

It made her doubt about her decision. 
It made her almost withdraw from it.

Her situation looked uncertain, yes.
Still, she vibrated strength through her vulnerability.
The will to move mountains was visible in her desperate eyes.

My whole being told her to stand by her side
until she could take her next steps independently again.
Although as a job counselor it was not my responsibility,
we did walk together until she accomplished her dream.

It was through constant motivation,
instant positive feedback about her little moves.
It was the ongoing support during her journey, 
the carte blanche of my coördinator 
during my guidance to the manifestation of her dreams
that kept her going.
It made us non-stop knock on each door.
Without result for weeks,
I kept her saying we would find it.

Any shelter kept the door closed for a mother with two children.
Her situation was not critical enough they said.
Although she would stand in mid-winter on the street 
with her two children, they could not give her any support.
The waiting lists of the shelters were never-ending streets.
 We had some more days to find that apartment
 before she was going to be kicked out 
of her one-room apartment in Brussels.

Isolation, desperation, aloneness reflected in her eyes while she entered my office.
We had one more day.
My eye caught the glimpse of the advertisement for the house on the screen of my computer. 
'This is it.' With steady fastness, I said to her, 
'Come,  take your jacket, we go together.'

I knocked on the door of my coördinator, told him we found a possible home.
You have to let me go to that city, that owner of that apartment.
 I know we will get it. 
His trust in my decision gave me again carte blanche.

We, my client and I, took the train.

She bought me a chocolate bar. 

I will never forget that moment together on the train.

The silence, the courage of that woman 
radiated in her whole story 
she told to me
How she arrived in Belgium, 
How she lived together with her parents,

I looked into her eyes and said
have faith you will come home.

We reached the city of her dreams,
her house, where she lives 
and works now 
happily together with her two children, 
her partner, their father.

She cried when we took the train to Brussels again.
It was one day before she was being kicked out of her room.
It gave her all she needed to continue independently on her road.
I looked at her while she stepped out of the train,
and took a deep breath.

We never met again

Months later,

Grace knocks at the door,
and remembers me 
about the chocolate bar,
her story and journey towards a new home
while the rose of her present 
highlights my heart with thankfulness.

My whole being is happy with
the gift you are!
Be well, my dear.

Thank you.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Really? You Do Care...Yes You!

'We are it all together, do care for it.'
more then a state of being 
beyond the little things that keeps us busy,

beyond the thoughts that imprison us.

It is in the sound, 

the melody of the soul

that light arises 

from the deepest of our essence

until the spring of our being

that joy is.

It is in the freedom of the spirit 

that all is united.


Liberty starts in being united from all that is.

We are the union.We are connected.We are all.

It is in our awareness,
It is in our truth,

that the real state of being is.

That goes way much further 
than what we see in daily life.


Give each other the hand from the heart.
Give each other the joy from the essence.

Let all be as it is from the heart 
liberty will free us from the illusion,
from which is not existence.

Let us exist from the deepest realms
that is our home.

as simple as it is
nothing more nothing less.

Just be it 
and  all will 
fall into the moment
that breaths as the soul you are.

Bless you with the child.

Give it the family that you are.
In loving existence for you all.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Happy Rising.

Summer Solstice, a time of transition.
Letting go of the old to bless yourself with the rising sun of a new season in your life.
May it bring you inner peace, love and all the silent whispers that guide you to the direction of a prosperous, enlightening time.

The picture shared here is taken on the early morning when I left from Santiago de Compostella to go to Finisterra. It reminds me of the feeling that was with me when most of my pelgrim friends were celebrating their arrival. It didn't tell me anything.
It made me decide to silently go to bed and wake up with the rising sun that guided me to Finisterra.

I walked 50 kilometer per day to arrive in full ecstacy at the end of the world. 
Yes I was exhausted and could bear the pain with all the blessings of light on my way. 
It was worth it to walk that extra mile.
When one can walk from Saint Jean Pied De Port until Santiago de Compostella this too could be done were my thoughts. 
It was That little extra walk that paid off the price.

Believe in yourself that you can do it and never ever give up!

Happy Summer Solstice!
Happy Rising!

Did You Lose A Loved One?
Do You Feel Lost?
In Need for A Guiding Support?

Connect To Receive Your Personal SoulMessage.

Listen to your Heart to Support Your Soul.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Alien Child

SoulMessage For The World To Answer The Question About :
'A Solution for 
Zero Tolerance Policy.'

The night is long for a child without mother. She enters the path of obscurity without her light...

...Befriended with love 
She looks into the night
to free her Child with the Light it is.
Love is great 
in the presence of Mother & Child 
union remains.

They belong to each other as no other.
Harm done with false eye 
calling to keep the lie high
is extinguished 
with the friendship of the highest.
Danger is accused 
by the imperative from higher realms.
Oh woe 
to those who touch the child 
with the greed for power
will be executed with the highest 
for the inhuman of their deeds.
Falsehood will be stripped 
with the eye of love.
Patience dear child, patience.

SoulMessage For The World To Answer The Question About :
'A Solution for 
Zero Tolerance Policy.'

Did You Lose A Loved One?Connect To Receive Your Personal SoulMessage.
Listen to Comfort Your Soul.
Do You Feel Lost?