Daily I am confronted with injustice that seeks to get a voice. May these words inspire you to find trust in any circumstances that life offers you. May it keep you standing in a world that may prefer to see you fall.
The lie, the falsity of so-called friends disappoint you deeply with their attack behind your back.
You are perplexed of the death blow they try to give you. You feel defenseless during the assault while you ask yourself deeply disappointed how you got into this.
Is it out of jealousy for your strength, for your being?
Is it out of fear to lose their position that gives them certainty in their insecurity?
The sadness that comes with their action turns me into the reaction. My will for justice calls to be heard until my emotions subside.
I turn myself into the silence.
In the reflection I experience the tranquility of the spirit that trusts in what is given. I trust in the higher dimension than the petty mind fighting to keep the position in the certainty of an insecure existence.
Who am I to go against a group that rather chooses to let me disappear then to welcome me? Life is too precious to experience them without love.
And the attack?
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger to step further in love that is invincible.'