Grateful Hearts

'Thank you for sharing of your wonderful magic for you have left me with something I will forever cherish.' W.S. Peters 'Deeply touched by the energy you share. The goddess becomes manifested through you. I love your movies, pictures, sounds, moves, music, the graze and the beauty.' N. Langer 'I find peace of mind when I gaze to my soulpainting. It gives me a lot of energy.' C.Coninx 'Delightful and Colorful works of Art.' S. Dillon 'As if for that one spiral Vincent Van Gogh held your brush for a moment. There is a higher source that keeps an eye on all Hildegarde.' W. Lyssens 'Thank you so much my dear Hildegarde, so many fruits in this basket.'E. Transhill 'Thank you for having me associated with this surge of odors, and with this very beautiful text which reminds me to a french mistic of the Middle Ages.' MT De Brosses 'Beautiful to see how you express the essence every moment again.' P. Oost 'Your coaching gave me the courage again to contact possible employers. I never believed to find a job that fast. Especially in my circumstances and with age. I will never find a mentor who assists me with that grandeur. I have tears in my eyes while sharing this with you.' Yolande Homeless Woman 'We need people like you. Keep on empowering homeless women. We will pray for you.' Anonymous Homeless Woman 'We searched and found work thanks to you who teached me to stay and think positive no matter what.' Abdellah Homeless Man 'You are a true value for us and our company. Thomas Social Worker 'My whole life changed with 360 degrees. You are a miracle.' Batouli Homeless Woman

Friday, January 29, 2016

Soul Painting for us all in 2016

Your Soul Painitng is received during a state of inner peace and love. 
Via detachment my heart opens for the source that speaks and reveals the soul of the earth. 
This painting is a support during your daily life and during turning points in your life. 
It gives you energy which you can find in each color, symbol. 
Meditation, contemplation about it will give you portals to other dimensions that will guide you through the landscape of the painting and your journey. 
May its message help you spread your souls wings .
 May it connect people and nations.
 May it reveal and uplift our inner child to the heart of the world that we are.

Finally it is ready our soul painting for 2016! It took way longer than was forseen and my heart is thankfull for the message which is shared with us. This year will be a year of big transformations for many of us. 
We will see a huge change on a global scale. Important is to stay connected with your true nature. Keep on having faith in it no matter what encounters you in any moment of time. The divine mother is and will be strongly present this year. Enjoy every color of it, each vibe is a portal to higher dimensions that support you on your journey. With love for You, Hildegarde Lisa Follon

With love for You

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