'What the soul knows is often unknown to the man who has a soul.
We are infinitely more then we think.' Kahlil Gibran
This saying arose from the unexpected meetings at well-known Plux or Place Luxembourg.
'A little manifestation around the statue of Cockerill known for his motto 'Work and Intelligence' attracts my attention. My curiosity joins the group for a moment.
Meanwhile, Tou Louse went for water in a local shop.
We would meet again in front of the European Parliament.'
Two men standing at the side of the fence catch my eyes.
'What is going on' I asked them?
"We stand up for the freedom for Hungary. The freedom for Europe."

I ask them to share their message while recording a video. They admit.
Let me first before giving the link to the video share some background information:
One of the men, Gaudi Nagy Tamas, was surprisingly enough one of the organizers of the event. Later in the evening, his profile got revealed by Euractive.com: Politician for a far-right movement for a better Hungary. Lawyer and (past?) member of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human rights. Seems he was also a past member of the parliamentary assembly of the Strasbourg based Council of Europe. This possibly because of the ban of some far-right members in 2013 due to their statement about a list of Jews representing a threat to the national security and who were exploiting the Holocaust to dominate the world.
Echoes of fascist policies that led to the Holocaust ran through my veins. My skin shivered.
My being asked how it was possible for representatives of extremist parties to make it to the Parliamentary Assembly?
During my listening to Gaudi Nagy Tamas and his friend Martin de Regt de Bruyn and Budahazy Edda, all against the arrival of fortune seekers, but not against Europe,
I tried to understand their story.
Their message was against the illegal immigration stream in Europe. Somewhere logical when you dig into the history of Hungary.
- The Turkish war of 1699.
- 500 000 or 600 000 Hungarian Jews died during the Holocaust.
- The tensions that are still rising at Gaza.
- Dual Israeli Hungarian Citizenships.
- The presence of Jewish parliamentarians.
- ...
- Illegal immigration in Europe.
All this adds up to the pride or is it the fear of these Hungarian patriots.
Fear to lose their origins? ...
... Or pride that stands with their ancestors who have fought against repression for eras? Still, is that a reason...
... Or pride that stands with their ancestors who have fought against repression for eras? Still, is that a reason...
- to radicalize?
- to vilify Jews and the Roma's in their country?
- to see immigrants as people who deserve fewer rights than the Europeans?
I don't know if the invisible government that wants to destroy Europe like they state in the video is a tactic to gain followers
or if that is a truth they believe in or that it is true?
It makes me ask
'what drives Union'?
The illusion of a fearful mind afraid to be defeated by people of other continents?
Or by some parliamentarians who are up to revenge?
Is that a reason why we have to fight with our swords and why we have to make babies at least two per family? like Budahazy Edda told us while recording her message for the women of Europe?
She is the sister of a famous Hungarian patriot Gyorgy Budhazy who was imprisoned for various militant offenses since 2009. During his imprisonment, she was an official mouthpiece for her brother. He is a rejector of the accession of Hungary to the European Union.
Do we have to join in their combat to free Europe? Hungary?
I look around and see some flags of 'Vlaams Belang' de 'Nederlandse Volksunie'.
Some local leaders are present. Martin de Regt de Bruyn tells me to go and have a word with them. It would give a clue who to vote for he said.
My phone rang.
Tou Louse was on the other side.
She asked me to join her. So I did.
I am thankful for our encounter that afternoon at Plux. For we all have a voice. We all have our belief systems. The choice is ours which we like to follow or not.
We all believe we have truth in our hands. Yet, without mastering our fears, illusions,
without introspection, the reflection of our thoughts that become words,
words that become deeds,... the world might become so much more fragmented than it already is
that even our children won't survive in it.
Which sense does it make to give birth to lives that even have almost no chance to survive?
Let's even not talk about the sense of us using our children as tools to get what we want?
Does a healthy motive need a positive ground to take root? What do you think?
On which base will you let grow your motives? How will you water them?
Will you nurture them with loving care so that the fruits that sprout from it will harvest the well-being of you, your friends, your city, your country and the rest of the world?
Or will you give your motives the fear and revenge whereto the harvest might even become more destructive than ever imagined?
The choice is yours.
You have a voice, you have a vote.
You have a voice, you have a vote.
Use it consciously, wisely.
So that the world we live in becomes a natural union
so we won't have to combat for it.
so we won't have to combat for it.
'A diamond is just charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.'
Link to the video of Gaudi Nagy Tamas and Martin de Regt de Bruyn
Link to the video of Budahazy Edda
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